LEED V4 AP BD+C 官方参考资料集合
LEED V4 AP考试官方参考资料 References LEED专业考试的首要资料来自LEED评分系统。下面清单中的参考资料也不是全部。结合考试说明,这些资料基本上涵盖了所有的考点。 The primary sources for the development of the LEED professional exams are the LEED rating systems. The following list of references is not meant to be comprehensive. When combined with the test specifications, the candidate has the material from which the exam is based. LEED考试的目的是测试考生的知识体系以及实际操作项目的必要技巧,有能力支持和鼓励综合性设计,同时组织项目申请和认证过程。 This exam is designed to test the knowledge and skills necessary to participate in the design process, to support and encourage integrated design, and to streamline the application and certification process.
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陈渝虹 2016-09-09 23:16里面内容不全,没有reference guide。不要骗积分了。
刘文雯 2015-01-09 14:57有两个文件不知道怎么打开,是webachive格式的。
刘树 2014-08-17 00:51请问里面有LEED V4 AP BD+C Reference Guide吗
沈振中 2014-07-22 23:50谢谢
黄俊鹏 2014-07-21 10:58赞~